Comic-Con 2005 - More Pictures
Here are a few more shots from the Con:

Boba Fett or Jango Fett or Scatman Fett or one of the many Jazzmen/Bounty Hunters with first time Comic-Conner, Lucas.

Star Wars is still fashionable with the costumed set or "cosplayers" as the kids call 'em.

There are super elaborate costumes, like the General Grevious who was wandering the floor, and then there are the SIMple and creative ones, like the SIMs who showed up in San Diego.

Then there are people who aren't really in costume, but still want to participate. I've always enjoyed the freaky contact lenses.

I told Eric I'd pimp GR on the blog and I'm making good on my offer. Eric Nakamura (above) and Martin Wong (not pictured) are the co-creators of the excellent Giant Robot magazine. I will do a whole post about these guys some day, but let me just say that you should read their magazine, shop in their stores and eat in their restaurant and then you'll be cool. GR rules.

...and finally, a parting shot of the dealer room at Comic-Con 2005. This is just a small sliver of this massive room of all things nerdy, geeky and dorky. Truly, it is Mecca and Wal Mart, all in one, for all fanboys and girls. You gotta problem with that?

Boba Fett or Jango Fett or Scatman Fett or one of the many Jazzmen/Bounty Hunters with first time Comic-Conner, Lucas.

Star Wars is still fashionable with the costumed set or "cosplayers" as the kids call 'em.

There are super elaborate costumes, like the General Grevious who was wandering the floor, and then there are the SIMple and creative ones, like the SIMs who showed up in San Diego.

Then there are people who aren't really in costume, but still want to participate. I've always enjoyed the freaky contact lenses.

I told Eric I'd pimp GR on the blog and I'm making good on my offer. Eric Nakamura (above) and Martin Wong (not pictured) are the co-creators of the excellent Giant Robot magazine. I will do a whole post about these guys some day, but let me just say that you should read their magazine, shop in their stores and eat in their restaurant and then you'll be cool. GR rules.

...and finally, a parting shot of the dealer room at Comic-Con 2005. This is just a small sliver of this massive room of all things nerdy, geeky and dorky. Truly, it is Mecca and Wal Mart, all in one, for all fanboys and girls. You gotta problem with that?
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